Biography: Francine L Shaw
When food safety protocols are established mistakes are reduced, foodborne illnesses are reduced or eliminated,profitability
increases, employee morale increases, employee turnover is lower and the company’s reputation remains secure. If
food safety is neglected, the risks of foodborne illness outbreaks increase. This can critically damage a company’s reputation,
resulting in criminal negligence, expensive lawsuits and cause a company to go bankrupt. This study will discuss (1) The
importance of establishing a food safety culure. This involves a commitment to continually operate in a safe manner, being proactive
at eliminating hazards, training employees and establishing consistent food safety protocols. (2) Proper personal hygiene.
Handwashing with soap stops the spread of disease and can save more lives than any single vaccine or medical intervention. (3)
Preventing cross-contamination. Keep raw proteins away from ready-to-eat foods. Store and prep food allergens (e.g. peanuts,
tree nuts, shellfish) away from other foods. Train staff to separate clean, sanitized dishware from used items (e.g. don’t carry
dirty dishware through food prep areas). (4) Preventing Norovirus. Norovirus is the most common foodborne illness. It’s
highly contagious, and easily spreadable through dirty hands and surfaces. It’s 100% preventable through proper handwashing,
cleaning and sanitizing facilities (kitchens, restrooms, surfaces like doorknobs, etc.) and preventing employees from working
when they’re ill. Each food service organization’s are different, but everyone’s goal is the same-keep guests safe.